Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sculptris (this post was in my drafts and I DID NOT realize I hadn't posted, sorry!)

Sculptris was definitely a time to be had. It was pretty fun at first because of the immediate satisfaction you got from the software after making a mark, or creating a form. This part I actually really enjoyed because after a while it got easier and easier to translate something like drawing into a digitally 3D form, which was really crazy but also cool! What really got me was the paint interface, because of how horribly it did not mesh with my computer (I guess this was the problem). It was so, horribly laggy and making marks on this was very delayed from the actual motion of trying to create a colored part of the form. This made it a really frustrating process to color my whole character, get the details and all sides of him, simply because of laggy and not delayed the actual marks I was making were. However, I did get through it and I was not completely disappointed with the final outcome. But, I do know I would have been a lot more proud of my little sculptris character if my actions and marks were truly aligned with each other and happening in a timely matter. All in all, a cool idea but I wish I was doing it without trying to pull my hair out!

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