Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Problems in Media Culture

   When thinking about the term "Media Culture", what do we think of? If we break up the term into the two words, it becomes a big blobby mass of information.
   Media can be social media, television, pop culture, cell phones, news, newspapers, etc. There are so many types of media that it is undoubtedly apart of our every day lives. Facebook, Twitter, your daily Newspaper, your favorite TV show. All forms of media. 
  Culture, according to a quick google search, is "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively." The particular way that a group of people live life. This is Culture. 
   So, Media Culture. How Media creates a way of life we are all familiar with. The way we interact with Media, and how it all plays into each other. How after your TV show airs you check twitter to see who said what about it. Or every thursday someone posts a picture of themselves as a little kid for a #TBT. These are things that are not only apart of our society, but what it is made up of. How we get and receive information. How we document our every move, and use Media as a diary for things we're doing, thinking, saying. Or seeing other people doing the same thing. Although this is something that connects us- is it a healthy way to think? Interact? How much is too much? 
   This is the idea that I want my Documentary short to be focused on. There are videos that exist already focusing on that same idea, why social media and media is separating us rather than bringing us together. Being called an "anti-social network". 

  These videos urge people to stop living life through a screen, which is something that I want to do. Although I don't think Media is all bad, and can see a positive, I want to focus on how so many people use it past the amount they should. Basing their self worth off of how many likes a post has, or spending every moment scrolling through information their brain doesn't even process. Using these things as ways of life instead of small ways to connect us. They are the main points, the most important aspects of life, which is what I feel is the real problem. We get stuck on them. They consume us, instead of us consuming them for small moments of time.

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