Thursday, February 26, 2015

Creating a Documentary

    Relating back to my post about Storyboarding, since then I've been able to get my footage together, put together certain clips, as well as inserted some audio (in terms of music, and audio that exists in the popular video about social media that I also mentioned in a previous post). A lot of the narrative that I tried to create is about how we are constantly consumed in Social Media, and that what we choose to constantly be looking at is mostly information that is irrelevant, and things that just take up space in our minds. By the end of the video I want the feeling that the viewer takes away from it to be that Social Media is not a negative, but the way we use it is. I think Social Media platforms are really great ways to connect, and put yourself out there. To share interesting information, about yourself, the world, etc. Rather, I think people use them in a way more about how they can make themselves seem cool, or pretty, instead of how an idea or image can make someone think about a topic, or a part of life in a different way. So often people post about what they are doing, what they made for dinner, or duck faced selfie. I think there is a much better way to use the platforms than how we actually go about using them.
   This video, that I couldn't figure out how to download onto my own computer(why I couldn't include it in my documentary), quickly lists many ways that we can use Social Media in a way that will give us more insight and wisdom on the world around us in an interesting way. I got very happy when I saw this existed because it's the message I want to get across. That it isn't bad, but we can use it in a more beneficial way.
  In my actual documentary, I end with the whole day of the subject going backwards, going back to where she wakes up. She then wakes up again and starts her day in a different way, showing how we do not need to be immersed in our phones and our media all the time. I then end with text slides saying "Click." "Think." "Consume." "Don't allow it to consume you.".
  I still need to put my own audio in of my voice over, and also have around 3 other people read my script that I've prepared. This is so it feels that it is a group of people talking about this to the viewer instead of just one. All in all I'm happy with how this is coming out thus far and am excited to have a finished product.

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